How Can I Incentivize My Team Without Using Money?

by Dennis

As a supervisor, I don't have the budget available for me to give raises for "good work" or extra effort.

I want to be able to in some way reward those that go the extra distance. I think this will help the leaners if they see the lifters being stroked, so to speak.

Recognition, I know is important, but what other types of incentives are available to me?


You already mentioned the most important incentive people work for: being recognized for their contributions. When people are unhappy at a job and sometimes even leave it, they usually mention feeling unappreciated as one of the reasons.

In addition to recognition and appreciation, you can trust the lifters with some higher responsibilities as a way to groom them for a potential future promotion, either within your group or outside. Helping someone become more marketable is a gift you can give that won't cost you extra money.

Some supervisors shy away from this mentoring strategy because it entails risks:

For one, you're taking risk that the employees being groomed make mistakes, since it will be new ground for them.

And second, a groomed employee may leave if you don't have any concrete reward at the end of the grooming period.

Still, you will have done your part as a supervisor, which is to invest your time and effort in mentoring the employees that are deserving.

The leaners will observe that doing your work and going the extra distance gets you either a promotion, or a job outside the department (or the company).

Hopefully, they'll get inspired by that...

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Jul 16, 2015
Thanks For The Tips!!
by: Harry Rose

WOW!! That is a great way I guess. I want my employees to get a good snoring mouth guard incentive and I do not have enough money with me. But this will definitely help me do what I want.

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